Grandparents Tune Up- 2022

Updating Grandparents for the 21st Century

You are embarking on a new adventure, you are going to be grandparents! Its a wonderful feeling and comes with all the love and joy , without all the work.

Many things that have changed in taking care of newborn babies in the last 20-30 years , this page will update grandparents on the new things that are happen in childrearing.

Father roles have changed in the last 20-30 years.

Prior to 1968, dads were excluded from the delivery room, it was after 1968, when Dr. Robert Bradley introduced fathers in the room for support.

Dr. Robert Bradley, introduced the Bradley method to childbirth, where the husbands are used as labor coaches and women used deep breathes, healthy diets and less drugs - women could have " natural" childbirth.

This clip of I Love Lucy is the example of fathers waiting in the waiting room for the birth of their baby ( year -1953)

Doula is a trained certified professional that provides support before, during and after to parents. She provides information support and suggestions about childbirth, breastfeeding and newborn care. She will not delivery the baby- just provide support.

See the website below:


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